Bitcoin Cash


BitCoin Cash


Company Statement:

Bitcoin Cash brings sound money to the world, fulfilling the original promise of Bitcoin as “Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash”. Merchants and users are empowered with low fees and reliable confirmations. The future shines brightly with unrestricted growth, global adoption, permissionless innovation, and decentralized development.


Created August 1st, 2017, Bitcoin Cash was created by a “hard fork” off the Bitcoin Network. Bitcoin is governed by a set of rules and everyone using the protocol agrees to that set of rules and that is called consensus. What happened to create Bitcoin Cash was that some in the Bitcoin group consensus wanted to split off and create Bitcoin Cash. This group decided to split from the majority and create the new version of Bitcoin (a hard fork) with hopes that it would become adopted as the coin of choice.

The group did not have a consensus, so it was a hard fork split. Now during this hard fork if you had one Bitcoin (BTC) then you would now have two coins. Your original Bitcoin and a new coin called Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Many thought that good and others felt that it was inflationary. One of the big issues that cased disagreement was the hash rate and block size.

These are technical issues and the Bitcoin consensus or majority of users of the network stayed with the Bitcoin way of doing things and there is an ongoing debate between the two camps. It is important to do your research about this due to Bitcoin Cash being coming more available to trade and use and while the value is increasing over time. The coin had a nice climb in its first week of existence and reached almost $900 USD but came down and stayed around $300 for quite a while.

However due to its market cap being the size of Bitcoin’s and with wallets, exchanges and its Libertarian type of popularity making room for it Bitcoin Cash is making a run to heights many thought impossible. Just days after the cancellation of Segwit2 (another fork of Bitcoin) Bitcoin Cash reached over $1,300.00.


Amaury Sechet– Lead Developer
Andrea “Sickpig” Suisani
Antony Zegers
Freetrader, Bitprim– Freelance companies
Roger Ver– Lead Promoter, an early adopter and investor