Company Statement: Ethos’ vision is to create a people-powered new economy services company that makes the cryptocurrency market accessible and trustworthy to the average user, accelerating adoption of blockchain technology and democratizing ownership of cryptocurrencies. The Digital Revolution changed the way we treat data and computation. We saw the rise of the modern internet in the dot.com boom and more recently we’ve begun to experience the Internet of Things. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are now making way for the “Internet of Value” and Fintech companies are paving the way to a decentralized, unencumbered financial future.
Ethos’ vision is to design and tackle specific problems in the world of cryptocurrency investors like choosing from a large and ever-growing array of crypto coins and offerings. Providing an understanding of attributes across different crypto assets with one-click diversification into multiple crypto assets. Providing mobile wallets to handle multi keys and hard wallets with long term safe vault storage for customers all while making it easy to transfer value across digital assets.
Ethos understands that to go mainstream, cryptos will have to ultimately become more user friendly and enable a safe and secure way to invest in cryptocurrencies and alt coins. The team has mapped out a multi-year approach to building a scale platform that will tackle these problems in a way that builds a powerful new ecosystem.
The team has mapped out a Long-Term Roadmap of projects that will come together over to work together in concert with each other and provide some very impressive solutions to the difficulty of end users of cryptocurrencies.
To get as full understanding of this pick go to the white paper online at: http://www.ethos.io/Ethos_Whitepaper.pdf
Shingo Lavine Founder and CEO
Stephen Corliss – oversees global corporate strategy and company expansion including development
Tim Simmons – holds multiple patents in information security and mobility, and is passionate about cryptocurrency investing and blockchain development.
Kevin Dean Pettit– his expertise as product manager with a successful track record of launching and improving financial systems at a Fortune 50 company.
Bobby Beckner – brings over 15 years of experience in leadership roles for next-generation IT systems architecture and software design
Maurice Herlihy – has an A.B. in Mathematics from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from M.I.T.
Adam Lavine – multi-channel mobile branding, demand generation, content and advertising.
Pete Rodgers – Oversees our secure managed and privately hosted data center.
Aiko Nomura -HR Director and Corporate Legal Administrator.